

Our Commitment

准入、机会和影响承诺: 宝博体育可以对每个学生的生活产生积极的影响. CEA CAPA is committed to providing access to study abroad opportunities that respect the individual student and their families as well as their host country.

What We Are Doing



CEA CAPA is making a long-term investment to Access, Opportunity, and Impact (AOI). 我们正在将这些原则融入我们组织的各个方面, and are ensuring that AOI is an active part of everyone's roles and responsibilities.



我们的承诺延伸到提供高品质, 为所有学生设计的良好支持体验, 并为我们所有的员工提供一个积极的环境, faculty, 以及世界各地的学生.



CEA CAPA will continue to build competency and capacity to address Access, Opportunity, and Impact throughout the organization through the professional development of colleagues who will participate and complete a certification program in this work.


The Access, Opportunity, and Impact (AOI) Leadership Council is dedicated to embedding AOI within CEA CAPA by advising, advocating, and endorsing initiatives, 同时授权团队提升和维持他们的努力. 领导委员会由CEA CAPA的同事组成, 国内和国际, 来自整个组织的各种业务职能部门.

AOI Leadership Council


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CEA CAPA Alum, Sabina Ali, details her experience of living and studying abroad as a Person of Color in Granada, Spain. Learn more.

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CEA CAPA alum Piper details her activities while Studying Abroad in Sydney including going to the beach, trying new food, and making new friends.

Navigating Mental & 留学期间的身体健康
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Navigating Mental & 留学期间的身体健康

CEA CAPA Content Creator, Gisele Magana, shares how she navigated mental and physical health while studying abroad in London. Read more.

Resources and Links

开始你的国际冒险? Browse these resources that celebrate your unique identity and provide insights for an enriching experience abroad!

  • DiversityAbroad.com – the student services arm of the Diversity Abroad Network that provides a space for diverse and underrepresented students to access resources and build community. It features blogs, scholarships, 以及准备出国的具体资源, living abroad, and coming home.
  • U.S. 国务院学生网站 – covering everything from absentee voting to a traveler’s checklist to resources for different group identities, this is a great site to learn official information from the government about how to get ready for going abroad.
  • 疾病预防控制中心 – specific information by country for study abroad students on vaccines, medicines, and medical advice.
  • ImFirst.org – an online community celebrating first-generation college students with video stories, blogs, guidance, 并在博客上发表了数十篇关于留学的文章
  • AllAbroad.us - a是一个资源交换中心, information, and mentors that promotes greater diversity among study abroad participants
  • 第一代学生成功中心 -循证实践的来源, professional development, and knowledge creation for the higher education community to advance the success of first-generation students
  • The Impact of Internships and Study Abroad on the Career Readiness of First-Generation Students – A 2019 article that examines data from NACE’s 2018 Student Survey to compare the effects of these high-impact activities on first-generation students

一定要花时间去了解当地的文化规范, gender roles, 关于你想去哪里的刻板印象和政治. 想想那些不同的想法, attitudes, 行为和法律可能会影响你的海外经历.

  • 国家跨性别平等中心 – an organization that advocates to change policies and society to increase understanding and acceptance of transgender people and the website includes relevant information about airport security, passports, and immigration documents.
  • Rainbow SIG– resources like scholarships and advice guides for students studying abroad who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ+)
  • 国际女同性恋,男同性恋,双性恋,变性人和双性人协会 – includes resources like a map of sexual orientation laws in the world and a report on global attitudes
  • 斯巴达克斯同志旅游指数 – news, guides, events, blogs and country specific information for students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQIA+)
  • 国际行动组织 – an organization that fights for human rights for LGBTIQIA+ people everywhere.
  • TransRespect vs. Transphobia Worldwide -一个全球性的研究项目, seeking to provide an overview of the human rights situation for trans- and gender-diverse people in different parts of the world.
  • 自由与平等-联合国 – a global United Nations public information campaign aimed at promoting equal rights and fair treatment of LGBTQI+ people.

一定要花时间去了解历史, 关于你想去哪里的刻板印象和政治. 想想那段历史, attitudes, 行为和法律可能会影响你在海外的经历, and the perception of your race or ethnicity within the unique historical context of that country.

Reasons to Study Abroad – Series of posts about WHY students of color should study abroad from allabroad.us

Additional Resources

一定要花时间去了解当地的文化规范, gender roles, stereotypes, 还有你出国的政治. 想想那些不同的想法, attitudes, behaviors, 法律可能会影响你的海外经历.

  • 美国移动国际 – a disability-led non-profit organization dedicated to expanding opportunities for people with disabilities in international exchange, leadership development, 残疾人权利培训, and community service. MIUSA还出版半年度期刊, books, videos, and brochures with useful information for those with disabilities who are planning international opportunities.
  • 与残疾人士一起旅行 – U.S. 国务院信息
  • 运输部消费者事务部 – U.S. 航空公司必须为残疾旅客提供便利. A publication called New Horizons for Air Travel with a Disability will tell you about your rights.
  • 无障碍旅游和接待协会 -在外国运营商上,可访问性有所不同. 如果你计划乘坐非美国国籍的航班旅行.S. airline, find out what their policy is regarding Individuals with disabilities and let them know what you need well in advance of departure.
  • Open Doors®统计数据.S. 大学水平的残疾留学生 – a brief article with key information for those wanting to learn more about the number of students with disabilities who study abroad.

一定要花时间去了解当地的文化规范, gender roles, 关于你要去哪里的刻板印象和政治. 想想那些不同的想法, attitudes, 行为和法律可能会影响你的海外经历.

一定要花时间去了解当地的文化规范, gender roles, 关于你要去哪里的刻板印象和政治. 想想那些不同的想法, attitudes, 行为和法律可能会影响你的海外经历.

Each state has its own legislation pertaining to veteran educational funding. Be sure to check out the information because some individuals can receive both federal and state veteran educational funds. 根据项目的不同,资金的使用也不同, be sure to talk to your university's Office of Veteran's Affairs for more information for your specific case.