健康, Wellness & 安全 Abroad

健康, Wellness & 安全 Abroad
健康 & Wellness Abroad

健康 & Wellness Abroad

Going abroad is an exciting experience! 在CEA CAPA, 我们相信,在你到达你的项目目的地之前为你的健康和健康计划是充分享受你的项目的关键.

CEA CAPA计划是在考虑到您的安全和健康的情况下精心策划的. 我们在国际教育领域遵循国家认可的健康和安全准则和标准, as well as local requirements in our program locations.

我们的现场学生支持团队接受过应急响应和学生事务方面的培训. CEA CAPA's dedicated 健康 & 安全团队可以与您交谈,并回答您可能在国外或项目目的地遇到的安全和安保问题.

When the Unexpected Happens

No one expects their phone or passport to get stolen while abroad, but these things, as well as other unexpected situations, 可能发生. 如果您在学习期间生病或遇到健康或安全紧急情况,我们随时准备为您提供支持. 每个项目目的地都有一个当地的CEA CAPA团队,接受过学生支持和应急响应方面的培训, 他们可以通过联系当地政府来帮助你, providing guidance on next steps, or referring you to support services. Regardless of how large or small the incident, 请放心,CEA CAPA可以帮助您并为您指明正确的方向.

Attending orientation makes a difference. Plus, it's mandatory for all CEA CAPA students! During onsite orientation, 我们的CEA CAPA团队将提供有关重要文化差异的宝贵信息, how to live (and blend in) like a local, 安全提示, how to access local medical or mental health services, maintain your overall wellbegin, and what to do if you feel unsafe or experience an emergency.

Communication is also key. During the program, we'll frequently communicate with you via email, and when necessary, our emergency communication app. 有一个正常工作的手机(不依赖于Wi-Fi)是一个要求,这样我们就可以在紧急情况下联系到你, regardless of where you may be traveling. 您的CEA CAPA现场支持团队将在培训期间为您提供24/7紧急电话, as well as other important numbers for emergency services. 将这些号码保存在手机上,以便快速获得帮助和支持.

CEA CAPA is There For You

规划 for your time abroad

我们鼓励您与您目前的医疗服务提供者讨论如何最好地照顾您在国外的健康, 你的项目目的地的支持服务可能与你在家里习惯接受的有什么不同. 有关健康和旅行的更多信息,可通过 Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World 健康 Organization (世卫组织). 我们还强烈建议所有学生在您的课程地点和您希望计划个人旅行的任何其他目的地更新所有CDC推荐的疫苗接种. 

Once you apply to CEA CAPA, 您将能够分享任何信息,使我们能够帮助您规划健康和支持服务, accommodations, or appointments you may need while onsite. 我们的健康和安全团队也可以单独与您交谈.   

而CEA CAPA将在CEA CAPA学生门户网站上为您提供有关国外安全和安保的信息, it's also important for you to do your own research. 在国外期间,您对自己的个人健康和安全负最终责任. In addition to travel guides, check out the U.S. Department of State International Travel website, the U.S. Embassy or Consulate for your program destination(s), and reputable online media outlets for current events. Talk with your family, support network, home institution study abroad office, CEA CAPA advisor, and others who have traveled or studied in your program destination.

You will also have access to your individual CEA CAPA Student Portal where you can:

  • Read more about health and wellness abroad.
  • 获取额外的健康小贴士和资源,帮助你为宝贵的海外经历做好准备. 
  • 了解我们的国际意外和疾病保险. 

International 事故 and Illness Insurance

您的计划包括国际意外和疾病健康保险计划 Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI). 它是专门为满足留学生的大多数保险需求而设计的. 我们鼓励您与您的支持网络和您目前的保险提供商讨论您可能有任何独特的保险需求.

该保险从CEA CAPA项目开始日期到项目结束日期有效,并包含在您的总体项目成本中. 我们将在您的课程开始日期前两到三周为您登记保险. If you plan to travel after your CEA CAPA program ends, 我们鼓励您通过访问mycisi将您的CISI保险延长30天(自费).com, or by contacting CISI directly at 800-303-8120 or

Some highlights of the insurance plan include:

  • Generous benefits for medical care up to policy maximums
  • Mental health treatment coverage
  • Emergency medical reunion and evacuation services
  • Provider referral services and emergency assistance
  • Easy process for filing insurance reimbursement claims

学生可以在CEA CAPA门户网站上下载CISI手册.

Emergency 健康 援助

CISI与AXA Team Assist紧密合作,AXA Team Assist是一家国际紧急援助公司,可以在您出国时为您提供帮助. 拨打安盛团队协助,您可以获得有关当地医疗服务提供商的信息, where the nearest hospital is located, instructions on what to do in an emergency, 和更多的. 安盛团队援助全天候提供服务,他们的联系方式将在我们的现场培训中提供.

支持 Services and Accommodations

CEA CAPA致力于帮助所有学生获得海外机会. 如果你在你的家乡大学获得住宿或服务,并希望在你的项目期间得到同样的支持, 在出发前尽早与CEA CAPA顾问交谈是很重要的. Request a copy of the Academic & 居住生活住宿申请表,并提供住宿要求的详细说明.

你的项目目的地的住宿可能与你目前收到的有很大的不同, or they may not be available at all. CEA CAPA不能保证为您提供住宿. 我们将与您密切合作,调查您期望的项目目的地住宿的可能性. 请准备好您的家庭机构和您的医疗保健提供者提供的任何住宿要求的证明文件.